Church family,

As I sit in my office early in the morning, I look at my calendar and am reminded that there are four days until Christmas. I have reflected on my ‘readiness’ for Christmas – “Do we have everyone’s gifts?”, “What is on the schedule and list that needs ‘to be done’ before the 25th?”, etc. Yes, family starts to arrive at our home today and continues over the next couple of days. We will have good times and memories made.

I am also reminded that the Christmas season is different for everyone. For some, it will be that children or family will not be coming this year. For others, a loved one has passed on and there will be an ’empty’ place at our gatherings. There are those around us who have had serious physical or emotional setbacks that will affect their Christmas. Life is full of the unexpected.

Let me remind you that Jesus knows and cares. His coming was “not the norm” and was different than most expected. How He came left many uncertain of who He was. John 1:11 (ESV) He came to his own, and his own people did not receive him. This Christmas, take time to look to Jesus. Reflect upon who He is, why He came, and His love for you!

Let me share with you some reflective seasonal writings:

Christmas Is for Messy Lives 

A Word to Those Who Are Lonely This Christmas

Why Do We Have Christmas Trees?

Worship Christ the Lord!

Love to you all!

Pastor Brian