Church family,

Last Sunday we looked at 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18 where Paul informs the believers of what happens to those who die in Christ before Jesus comes again. Paul explains that a Christian who dies before Christ’s return will go on to heaven to be with the Lord. His body will stay on earth and his soul go on to heaven. When Christ returns in the clouds, verse 14 says “through Jesus, God will bring with Him those who have fallen asleep.” 

At the coming of the Lord for His bride, the “rapture” of the church, the bodies of those who have died in Christ will be resurrected and join those who are alive in Christ at His coming to meet the Lord in the air! What a reunion that will be! “So will we always be with the Lord” (v. 17b). This hope is something sure for those who believe, why? Because our Savior, Jesus, died and rose from the dead as well!

As I am preparing for this Sunday’s message, Paul moves on to address another concern the Thessalonian believers have – what “about the times and the seasons” of the day of the Lord? We will look at Paul’s response to this concern. Take some time to look at 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11.

I also want to mention a couple of ministry opportunities to you:

  1. This Saturday there will be a work day at TNC from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm. Men are asked to bring work gloves as the work will mainly be demolition. Other tools will be available and lunch will be provided. Contact Matt Stewart for more information.
  2. Operation Christmas child is looking for volunteers to join them in ministry! Go to this link  if you are interested in knowing more about what ministry opportunities are available!

Walking with you,

Pastor Brian