For the last few weeks, I have been re-reading some classic books by Martyn Lloyd-Jones. Lloyd-Jones was considered by many to be one of the most gifted preachers of the 20th century.

Recently, I started a second book of his, Saved in Eternity. This book is one of four that was published in a series he preached on John 17 – “Studies in Jesus’ Prayer for His Own”. The second chapter is titled “Why Pray?” Let me share with you an excerpt:

“The saints always prayed to God, and our Lord supremely did so, because they believed in God’s power, because they believed in God’s ability to help, and above all, because they believed in God’s willingness and readiness to help.  That is tremendously important.  They, of everybody, knew the power of God, yes, but the world and its trials tend to shake our confidence in him and there is no better way of reminding ourselves of the power and the greatness of God, his ability and readiness to help, than to go and talk to him; that is why saints always fly to prayer.  ‘The name of the Lord is a strong tower:  the righteous runneth into it, and is safe’ (Prov 18:10).  In other words, the saint rushes to God in prayer and reminds himself of these things.

Prayer, in many ways, is the supreme expression of our faith in God and our faith and confidence in the promises of God.”

A couple of months ago, I read the A.W. Tozer quote, “What comes to our minds when we think about God is the most important  thing about us.” It comes from his book, The Knowledge of the Holy. I am not 100% sure what God is trying to teach me at this stage of life. But these reflections on our relationship with God have given me much to consider.

Yes, I believe I am a man of prayer. Yes, I believe that God is all-powerful, infinite, and nothing is impossible with Him. But at a recent leadership retreat, God impressed on me two words, ‘faith and courage’. As a result, I asked the Lord to produce better ‘fruit’ in these areas in my life. I desire that my life more clearly reflects a God who is great. A God who is trustworthy. A God who is always present and near.

I believe that what is really going on in me is expressed by Paul in Philippians 3:8-11. To gain Christ, to be found in Him, to know Christ. These verses express the believer being justified, sanctified, and glorified. Guess what? This is what God desires for each of His children, not just your pastor.

May you continue to submit to the Lord. May you continue to call upon Him for help.
May you continue to trust Him in all things.

Soli Deo Gloria,

Pastor Brian